

Our company, which sells Carraro, ZF, Dana and other construction equipment spare parts brands, continues its efforts to take its place among the leading names of the sector at full speed.
Our professional team is with you at all stages, ensuring the supply of original and oem spare parts of Carraro Spare Parts, ZF Spare Parts, Dana Spare Parts and other brands and their delivery to you anywhere in the world without any problem.

Our customers who want to get information about the spare parts of Carraro, ZF, Dana and many more brands can contact our team via OEM4SpareParts from our website , Instagram accounts, WhatsApp, Mail and get information, price / offer about the part they want.

After placing your order, product supply, packaging of the product, completion of the cargo operations are done with great care by our professional team.

Our company, which is committed to the principle of customer satisfaction, is the follower of the cargo until it reaches our customers without any problem after the products are delivered to the shipment. In any shipment problem, you can contact our team and they help you with professional solutions.


46408 , 45062 , 84574140 , 6194733M91 , 6000142540 , PMSC046-471 , PMSC002-328 , 048598 , CA0641986 , 43849 , PVRM1-063/S-15-12E3-A 12 VDC 27785700 , F03/31915 , 6000146718 , PMSC046-782 , ER046406 , VOE11709227 , 115309A1 , 45570 , VOE11709049 , ER046408 , F0331874 , PMSC016-850 , 6000146963 , WA049902 , PMSC052-842 , 25222913 , NCT181274A1 , 11709219 , VOE11709231 , PMSC046-766 , 138802 , 349291A1 , PMSC027-278 , 6194483M1 , 335337A1 , 146354 , 6195010M91 , 128284 , ER049902 , CA0642504 , 219000513 , F03/31869 , 045062 , CA0146640 , PMSC043-184 , 449690A1 , 046965 , 6194452M91 , PMSC017-198 , 335339A1 , F03/31874 , 030446 , PMSC013-355 , PMSC005-356 , PMSC016-857 , 46154 , 0.900.0634.3 , A049902 , RI-661634 , 6000146406 , PMSC040-403 , 046154 , 380654 , 0262241 , 090006062 , 6000145751 , 6000146150 , 45684 , PMSC051-584 , ER372057 , 149786 , 0445096 , 852-01-1509 , HYFORCE512994 , PMSC047-293 , PMSC001-786 , PMSC010-817 , 043855 , 4355029 , 6000148326 , 046890 , PMSC046-588 , ER049934 , PMSC001-410 , 139307A1 , 6000143855 , 115244A1 , CA0146635 , 81866604 , VA644695 , 642437 , 263393 , 87524409 , 138551 , 7160-733 , VOE11888307 , 045751 , NCT190442A1 , VA048326 , ER046150 , 046409 , 11709049 , ER046409 , 045570 , 48841 , 048604 , VA048598 , PMSC046-663 , A123728 , 45063 , PMSC011-781 , ER385740 , PMSC036-087 , PMSC002-515 , 115255A1 , 87705568 , 149785 , 0396090 , 11376680 , 43550347 , 87705567 , 115298A1 , PMSC054-157 , A048326 , 48951 , V042727 , ER046911 , LL-7160-556 , 049909 , 0.900.0633.8 , VOE11716541 , 045684 , 100739A1 , 46963 , 172026507 , VA372057 , C048842 , SV90-G39-0-G-12 ER YENİ VERSİYON HYFORCE5019600 , VA049909 , 032002 , CA0138552 , CA0134012 , PMSC016-508 , CA0133070 , 045063 , VA049902 , 172026510 , 335303A1 , 219000643 , LL-7160-733 , 81870291 , 396084 , 87429978 , 100746A1 , 17200519 , 6000145700 , 219000934 , ER046404 , 090006338 , VA123728 , PMSC006-705 , 3695972M1 , 190438A2 , PMSC023-164 , 068843 , 852010032 , CA0149786 , VA046406 , A049909 , PMSC027-021 , 644561 , 6000146404 , 49902 , ER048326 , CA0146354 , 11713029 , PMSC046-664 , ER262952 , 335640A2 , 049912 , 5,3415E+14 , PMSC036-598 , PMSC016-553 , 11716678 , 046406 , PP9157139 , C0045062 , 219000487 , 1530048C1 , 46718 , 852-01-1515 , 046718 , 138552 , 6000146965 , 48947 , 2026198 , 68470 , PMSC032-161 , ER046963 , 090007395 , 48899 , CA0045063 , CPR8600 , 6195014M91 , 11709232 , 049920 , 6195681M91 , ER263393 , PMSC021-044 , 133070 , SV98-T40-0-N-12DR , 11716541 , ER049910 , 140125 , CA0643073 , A049910 , PMSC021-595 , VA046965 , 190442A1 , 046889 , CA0396090 , 127831 , RI-661184 , TS98-T34-0-V-12DRZ , 0642437 , PMSC040-793 , 852011509 , 642504 , 6000149902 , LL-7160-737 , 115301A1 , 11709196 , 49934 , PMSC041-583 , 87525756 , PMSC031-553 , 048327 , 210343 , 262258 , PMSC011-066 , 030464 , PMSC047-132 , VA046890 , 046960 , 6194722M91 , CA0134084 , 359323 , 139791 , 190432A1 , 146353 , 335650QA1 , PMSC037-262 , 263395 , PMSC002-282 , HYFORCE5008203A SV08-47D-0-N-00 , 45566 , 1530093C1 , ER048604 , PMSC017-365 , VA046409 , 049915 , 49910 , 172026508 , 115235A1 , 181274A1 , 141972 , 84367064 , 123728 , 131558 , 11712951 , PMSC046-729 , 6000149910 , PMSC043-031 , 45751 , PMSC052-235 , 46965 , PMSC047-291 , CA0045062 , 445096 , 6000149912 , 357938 , 000081866604 , PMSC047-073 , ER123728 , PMSC012-408 , VOE11716540 , SV98-T39-0-V-12DRZ ESKİ VERSİYON , 219001900 , VOE17200519 , 6194475M1 , 46150 , 1530057C1 , F0331870 , 374253 , 449698A1 , 134024 , F-81870291 , PMSC016-201 , 416197A1 , 2869634 , 046404 , CAO138551 , 11888307 , ER049912 , PMSC001-853 , 48326 , PMSC047-298 , RI-662317 , 219000486 , 43847 , 146635 , 396089 , 0357938 , 139920 , 048951 , 6000104045 , PMSC016-647 , WA123728 , PMSC018-102 , 43550350 , 11709231 , 17200518 , SV10-31-0-N-12-DR , PMSC046-613 , VA049912 , PMSC040-858 , VOE11713029 , 0.900.0627.7 , F03/31870 , 046911 , X003262 , Y01184 , 644695 , 390084 , PMSC058-244 , 6000146889 , PMSC032-055 , 0.900.0616.0 , 045520 , 11480130 , PMSC001-662 , 6000146911 , PMSC031-713 , 385740 , 46616 , 17200525 , 048899 , 6194941M91 , 120892 , 48598 , C77AJ28 , PMSC040-703 , 11429520 , 643073 , 043849 , PMSC016-649 , 129220 , 87705439 , 046963 , NTC190438A1 , ER263395 , 42540 , 172026504 , 0.900.0634.1 , PMSC012-226 , 6194488M1 , PMSC058-143 , VA048590 , 391118 , 83959514 , 262670 , VA380654 , PMSC032-056 , 045566 , CA0068470 , VA388355 , PMSC056-809 , 6194486M1 , 0.900.0591.5 , 46911 , 852-01-0032 , EV12-S3412-M12-1941 , ER196753 , 6000106879 , 25/222913 , 219000492 , 644185 , PMSC051-589 , PMSC022-092 , PMSC022-093 , PMSC022-238 , LL-7160-734 , 6194312M91 , CA0642096 , 45726 , 46409 , 22.0002.00.4 , 42522 , ER380654 , 335640A1 , 87705732 , VA046408 , 11709195 , EV12-S3412 M12 1941 , 7160733 , PMSC046-583 , PMSC051-495 , F0331867 , F0331915 , PMSC027-468 , 030027 , PMSC028-133 , 11716799 , C77AJ27 , 534149786000000 , PMSC046-783 , PMSC016-800 , 068470 , Y01144 , 641986 , 048590 , 334558A2 , 196753 , CA0642437 , 386964A1 , 0.900.0758.0 , VOE11713003 , 049910 , 048947 , 190434A1 , VA046718 , 49912 , 48842 , 134084 , 396090 , PMSC002-511 , 11424700 , VA046404 , 6000148327 , LL-7160-566 , 172026505 , PMSC023-203 , 190438A1 , PMSC013-244 , 286-9634 , 852-01-0031 , PMSC058-176 , 46890 , 49909 , 2026199 , VOE11709232 , 43855 , 048841 , 46406 , 0.900.0627.8 , PP9157138 , CA0139791 , Y00654 , 11716540 , PMSC016-596 , 48590 , PMSC017-368 , ER048590 , 209551 , 6195643M91 , PMSC016-624 , 148367 , F0331869 , WA049910 , 852-01-1510 , 642096 , 262241 , 069100 , 0.900.0739.5 , 262952 , 6000146890 , 31488 , 042540 , VOE17200518 , 84574141 , CA0396084 , 134125 , VOE11712481 , 45520 , 6195012M91 , TS98-T34-0-N-12 DR , 1530043C1 , SV98-T40-0-V-12DRZ , PMSC011-712 , 190443A1 , 6195011M91 , PMSC041-789 , PMSC023-074 , PMSC037-851 , 134126 , VOE11716678 , 219002097 , 149284 , 349295A1 , F03/31867 , 149277 , PMSC021-359 , 049902 , 6000145520 , 046408 , 045700 , VOE11709196 , PMSC046-784 , VA046889 , 852010031 , 84211333 , 3A20691 , 090007580 , 6000143847 , 140428 , 146640 , ER048598 , CA0134125 , VA046963 , 46404 , 11712481 , PMSC037-852 , ER373213 , VOE11716675 , VOE17200525 , 049934 , 11713003 , 009600 , 11430730 , 87705569 , 046150 , 042522 , 048326 , 11227 , PMSC022-890 , 87705566 , 46960 , RI662317 , 48327 , RI-661290 , CA0149785 , 68843 , PMSC016-554 , WK06430C-11-C-N , 11709227 , 372057 , 49915 , 48604 , PMSC002-329 , VOE11709219 , 46889 , LL-7160-565 , 32002 , 388355 , HYFORCE502615 , VOE11709195 , 046616 , C048841 , ER048327 , 045726 , RI-661183 , ER262241 , 031488 , 6000149934 , VA049934 , 49920 , 359319 , 069101 , 11716675 , 134012 , 6000149909 , PMSC023-202 , PMSC026-109 , 644186 , 0.900.0629.9 , PMSC016-627 , 043847 , CA0148367 , PMSC027-095 , 030432 , VA049910 , 0.900.0606.2 , 45700 , 11376670 , 048842 , 373213



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